Mindfulness Services

Personalized mindfulness training and coaching to help promote peace, well-being, and resilience in the workplace. Learn mindfulness skills and meditation practices to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and suffering.

Life Changing

mindfulness benefits

Why choose mindfulness?

Some benefits of mindfulness are that it improves well-being and physical health, and helps with mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders.

A study from Harvard showed that daily mindfulness meditation changes the anatomical structure of the brain by growing gray and white matter in key areas associated with self-awareness and compassion, while shrinking gray and white matter in areas associated with stress.

Dr. Richard Deming is a radiation oncologist who believes in the power of mindfulness; he says it improves joy, physical health, mental health, and general well-being.



Ranging from personal therapy/counseling to training and coaching for organizations.

Guided Relaxation

Discover the healing power of mindfulness by learning various meditation techniques. Meditations are a method of settling the body and then using a variety of methods like breath control, body scan, and imagery to effortlessly lead you to your own place of profound relaxation. No prior meditation experience is necessary and no floor sitting is required.

Practicing Presence

Change your breath, change your mind. Our mind and the breath are connected. If our minds are agitated, the breath will be irregular and felt mostly in our chest. If our minds are calm, the breath will be more regular, silent and felt lower in the abdomen. Discover how to breathe and become more presence through mindfulness practice.

Quieting the Inner Critic

Self compassion can improve overall well being, and quiet the self critical thoughts and feelings. Be kind to yourself! Science proves self-compassion makes us more resilient to stress. Learn how to be gentle with yourself without losing your edge.


Soul Work

A truly lived life will not resemble anyone else’s life. Your Soul Footpath exists. We’ll get you on that path.

Everyday Gratitude

The way to JOY and peace of our soul…the way to happiness on demand…is to simply look around and be grateful. The lessons of gratitude will help you to get some clarity about how to move forward into the next steps of your life.

Being True to Being You

It’s difficult sometimes to harness the courage required to show up to life exactly as who we are, but once we do it, incredible things can happen.  In this session, you’ll be offered a new perspective on being you.

Choose Happy

Now and then we forget that sometimes the road from discontent to happiness requires a little bit of work, a respectful relationship with our sadness and lots of radical honesty, in this session that’s where we will go.

Getting Back Up

We all find ourselves flat on the ground at different ties in our lives.  In this session you’ll learn about the gifts found on the ground and how to stand back up without shame or blame.  You’ll find the fortitude to rise again. *activity*

I Can and I Will

Grit, determination, courage, endurance, resolve – these are just some of the things we need to, when we are facing a difficult challenge.  In this session, you’ll find practical wisdom and techniques to jump over your hurdles.

You are Enough

In a culture that trains us to believe we could never live up to all that’s expected of us, let’s stop and take inventory of all that we already are in this session, you’ll find your enough and so much more!

Accessible Standing or seated Yoga

INSTRUCTOR: Michelle Flattery
  • 30-60 minutes
In Person Workouts & Therapy

In Person Workouts & Therapy

I am a certified yoga instructor through Challenge to Change inc, Balanced Breath School of Yoga, and Yoga Fit. I have been a fitness instructor for many years from teaching Pilates to spinning classes and now yoga. Yoga has always been a part of me, but in January of 2010 when I discovered I had stage 3 cancer….I discovered how yoga can really help one mentally. It would give me energy after my chemotherapy treatments and relax my mind and keep me in peace. Yoga was and still is a gift I discovered for myself. Now I offer beginner to advanced yoga sessions coupled with meditation.


Pop-up Stations

I will set up and run a temporary workshop right at your business. Topic ideas include:

  • Mindful Eating
  • Bracelets/Keychains (Wear Your Word)
  • Shred your Heaviness/Plant your gifts
  • Holiday Mindfulness themed Pop-Ups
  • Selfie Stations (variety)
  • Getting Back Up
  • Anxiety and Breaking Free
  • Truth and Lies of College Life Mind
  • If I could tell my professor/student
  • 1-2 hours

Example: Wishing Tree

  • Starting at one Month
Interactive setups

Art Installations

A fun and interactive way to engage people in your organization, an art installation starts at a one month setup.

  • The wall of gratitude
  • Team member connection
  • Wishing tree
  • I am anxious because…
  • I am hopeful because…..
  • To Keep & To Give
  • Negative to Positive emotion by Doodle
  • Among the Trains
  • We are all Connected
  • I am Enough
  • Labyrinth
  • Cardboard Cutouts – Our Three Selves
What people say

Loved By Our Clients

“Resources and encouragement related to ways of lowering anxiety, setting positive intentions and practicing mindful eating, movement and gratitude are so valuable and offer tools to help us all deal with challenging times. The “Wishing Tree” experience you organized in our atrium was a delight for me and for my students.”

“The creative outlet Michelle has introduced to our daughter as she is unpacking all the hard stuff and sorting her thoughts and feelings, has been wonderful! I would hands down recommend Michelle to anyone needing help in any sort of mental health capacity.”

“Michelle has helped me a lot. She has allowed me to be able to work through some of my anxieties. I would never leave the house and now I am able to leave a little bit and do some things away from home. She is a very approachable person and meetings with her are very laid back which helps my anxiety.”

Satisfied clients
Businesses worked with
Personal Sessions

Ready to book your 1-on-1?

From soul restorations to life coaching, let’s talk one on one. We can meet at your home, a safe space, or even over a Zoom call!